There are two aspects to this:
First, dynamic:
Worship isn't the same as "idealise". Nobody is perfect. Worship involves loving a whole person, and doing it from a submissive posture.
And, if you are (mostly) submissive to her in your relationship, it's still an actual relationship. Even the archetypal 50s housewife would put her foot down, push back against manly hubby. It doesn't change the underlying dynamic. FLR type dynamics - we're on the 6th year of ours - aren't day-to-day the same as 24/7 High Protocol relationships.
My experience is that when you're submitting in the bedroom, i.e. doing actual BDSM, in the context of a relationship, it stops being a game. You're submitting to the person, imperfections and all, and that's both hot and spiritually fulfilling: you're cross with her but you still have to do as you're told as if she really owned you... (This is probably dangerous heresy to some people, but it's where the undertow takes me, and it feels great.)
Second, chastity:
I think there's really two styles of chastity: keyholding and "neutering lite", in other words one is about dynamic, the other is about something akin gender identity. If you're drawn to long term chastity, then there's probably a bit of the second kind going on.
By way of illustration (not saying they are equivalent), you wouldn't stop being gay or trans or whatever just because you had a row with your partner; in the same way you need not stop being chaste.
In our relationship, chastity does several things with regard to disagreements. First, it cuts down on the number of them because I just feel less like taking a stand on things in general and end up deferring to her preferences to a much greater extent. Most things just stop mattering to me nearly as much. With the few things that DO matter, chastity is a STRONG reminder to consider my place and speak to my wife thoughtfully and with respect. There are no gut reactions, there is no reflexive snark, or snide remarks. If I'm offended by something she says, I take a minute, think about whether she actually meant what she said the way I heard it, I think about whether it's reasonable to be offended, whether I'm just being reactionary and whether it would be more constructive to delay responding to it until I've had time to think it through calmly, or to just let it go entirely. Chastity provides a structure through which I'm reminded to speak to my wife as if she is somebody I deeply appreciate even when we have differences of opinion or preference.