Friday, 28 September 2012

Roman Dominatrix now available in epub format...

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.After much tinkering, I've managed to get How to be a Roman Dominatrix uploaded to Lulu! So, you can now also have it in epub format, e.g. for Nook or Kobi. (Still available for Kindle, of course.)

I didn't really expect to write this book in the first place!

Ages back,  I grew so frustrated by the obvious and almost tragic mistakes submissive men make with their vanilla partners, that I poured out a long rant into an Word document. What was intended as a blog entry ended up as a book, "Getting her to be a Vanilla Dominatrix"- because you can get a vanilla partner to enjoy Femdom, if you shed your sense of entitlement and approach her the right way, and if your kink can offer her vanilla benefits. The book went through a few evolutions. The heavily revised version of this- my first Femdom self help book - is now available on both Kindle and Lulu (epub).

The Roman book, designed to for vanilla female partners of submissive males, that came later. It turned out that some women are broadminded enough to give Femdom a go, but want to take charge of the whole process and do it on their terms. Surprisingly, there are a lot of women out there like this - How to be a Roman Dominatrix regularly outsells Getting her to be a Vanilla Dominatrix!

What's next? I'd like to make PDFs available for both my Femdom how-to guides - some people don't have ereaders, or just prefer to print out a manual so they can scribble on it! I also quite like the idea of a printed version. We'll see.

Get my Femdom books on both Amazon and Lulu. They are also available at Barnes and Noble and on the iBookstore.

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