Monday, 20 February 2012

Part-time Femdom gives you more certainty than lifestyle/FLR/WLM

Over on another blog, a submissive male referred to his mistress-wife giving him the gift of a year of chastity.

Of course, for a submissive male, it is a gift (though my book is all about making this worth her while). The snag is that part of the buzz comes from it also being a torment.

So you end up with...
  • It is evil for a mistress to force her slave to be chaste
  • It is good for a wife to pretend to force her submissive husband to be chaste
You get the same problem with all the whips and chains that go with a Femdom eroticism.
  • It is evil for a mistress to be callous or sadistic to her slave 
  • It is good for a wife to pretend to be callous or sadistic to her submissive husband
Some people can carry this off. Most people - and this means most women - find this a bit confusing on all levels, including the moral one. If you weave fantasies of evil into real life, then there's a natural fear of becoming evil. The brakes are on.

Meanwhile, the male submissive is caught in the paradox of consent:
  • The slave naturally pleads with the mistress for the experience to end.
  • The submissive husband naturally wants to experience to continue (and enjoys pleading).
So, if he pleads or whines, is this an attempt to negotiate the rules of the game, or just in-character emoting? How is she to tell?

If - like me - Femdom attracts you because it creates islands of certainty, then this is a bit of problem.

If the Femdom relationship is  strictly part-time, however, things are simpler.
  • She can be a mistress with no real world consequences.
  • He can be a slave, with no reference to the real world.

I prefer it that way...

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